giovedì 25 agosto 2011

Quit Smoking Patches - Why You Should Avoid

A multi-million increased from patches to stop smoking. Not a day passes, when a new patch, the promise of doubling your chances of quitting. These claims are being supported by scientific evidence. I can tell you that the use of these devices will become more difficult to quit.

The reason is that the mind is led to believe that you're still a smoker. Bring a small patch to stop smoking should be sent directly to the brain, nicotine, and keep your mind one thing I do not want it.

I have tried in the past to quit smoking with nicotine patches, it seemed that the best way to stop because of all the ads on TV, and the fact that many governments to actively promote its use. If you use these patches will notice that itch like crazy when you put them, then leave a mark in red when they are removed. After a week, usually covered in these brands. What may be the best way to quit smoking?

Another reason to avoid the nicotine patch is that if you engage in any kind of sport, but have used them, they fall as soon as you start to sweat. It can be very embarrassing to get a patch from the floor as you go to the gym. And even if the patch has somehow remained closed while to get in the shower, it will certainly fall. It can become very expensive in a growing number of patches as they fall out.

These are practical reasons, but the main reason to avoid them, the load on your mind. The faster you learn to your brain, it does not need nicotine, the easier it becomes to break the nicotine addiction. Your body does not need nicotine is a poison. If you quit smoking cold turkey nicotine will leave the body within 48 hours. If you use to stop smoking patch you keep nicotine in your body, and this will keep your mind on nicotine, making it difficult to stop. If you manage to stop smoking using this medication, you must do so in spite of this, not because of it.

The same applies to other products containing nicotine, such as inhalers, pills, sprays and gums. You do not need any of them.

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